USA Pacific Northwest Regional Representative

Remote - Mt. Vernon, WA

Classification: Volunteer  (0-10 hrs/week) 

Location: USA based in Washington or Oregon- Remote

Reporting To: USA Country Coordinator

Days for Girls International

Days for Girls International is an award-winning NGO that works to shatter stigma and limitations associated with menstruation for improved health, education, and livelihoods. Through our Education & Access to Menstrual Products Strategy, Days for Girls provides holistic menstrual health education curriculum and increases women and girls’ access to menstrual products. Through our Policy & Advocacy Strategy, Days for Girls educates and builds connections with national and international policymakers, coalitions, and organizations who can advance, accelerate and amplify the importance of menstrual health in improving education and livelihood outcomes for women and girls. To date, Days for Girls has reached more than 3.2 million women and girls in 144 countries on 6 continents with quality, sustainable menstrual care solutions, and health education. 

High Impact Purpose:

US regional representatives contribute to volunteer effectiveness and smooth operations of the Volunteer Programs by leading, communicating with, and supporting Chapters, Teams, and Clubs in your region to fulfill Days for Girls mission.  Your role is to build a regional network and communicate opportunities, learnings, and resources available while listening to  and supporting Chapters, Teams, and Club leaders. Your efforts will create a ripple effect that increases the results of Days for Girls as you promote both excellence and understanding of the work of our global Days for Girls family. 


  • Connect and become familiar with the Chapters, Teams, and Clubs in your region in order to create a feeling of support, cohesiveness, and collaboration.
  • Support Chapters, Teams, and Club leaders  to build and facilitate strong relationships, trust, and open lines of communication about their successes, needs, and challenges..
  • Support Days for Girls International’s core values and processes. 
  • Foster collaboration between your region's chapters and teams.
  • Facilitate connections between clubs, chapters and teams.
  • Provide guidance and be a primary contact for clubs.  
  • Promote and validate the reasoning for the DfG Impact Zones as they relate to the DfGI Enterprise programs. 
  • Promote and reinforce Gold Standard Sewing standards and with all regional Chapters and Teams.

Specific duties include, but are not limited to: 

  • Fill out Regional Quarterly Report by identifying highlights from your region (great stories, distributions, events).
  • Ensure that all Chapters, Teams, and Clubs in your region receive and are aware of important DfG updates.
  • Work with DfG Sewing specialists to teach and reinforce Gold Standard sewing.
  • Assist Chapters, Teams, and Clubs with technical support issues (IT), to ensure  all in your region are checking and using  their DfG emails regularly
  • Work with country leadership to assist with collective USA wide projects..
  • Update SalesForce with notes about any important communications with Chapters, Teams, and Clubs.
  • Daily: Check Regional Representative email and respond appropriately.  
  • Monthly: 
    • Reach out and follow up with Teams in Training in your region to ensure and support them in receiving their Gold Standard Sewing Certification within the first 6 months of registration. Encourage and follow up with Chapters and Teams to ensure their monthly and kit reporting is completed.  
  • Quarterly:
    • Participate in Regional Representative calls via Zoom
    • Complete Regional Quarterly Report. 
    • Hold a Regional Video Call with your Region to increase communication,  report highlights, challenges,and improvements, and share updates and  best practices.
    • Yearly: Facilitate the yearly renewal process with all  Chapters, Teams, and Clubs.  
  • Every Other Year: Work with Country Leadership to help facilitate conferences when they are in your area.  
  • Intermittently: Regional Representatives meet virtually  for unexpected or determined communications and considerations
  • It is anticipated that this volunteer role will take 5-10 hours a week.

*** The US Regional Representative is a regionally-based volunteer position and will work closely with the USA Country Coordinator, the Associate Chapters Director and the Associate Chapters Manager and have tremendous impact. 

Thank you!